Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 8

the exercises are ramping up, and we are scrambling around the house measuring food: thank god it is Saturday!
here is week 2 picture:

Week 2

Guess the half eating and the cutting out of snacks and alcohol is staring to have some effects!


  1. Looking good man, your abdominus rectus is going to be real nice at the end of all this.

  2. Hi Vittorio, I'm a former PCPer whose been following you're blog. I hope you don't mind if I comment from time to time. I wish you all the best with your project--and in cutting out the snacks and alcohol ;-) Believe me, it makes a huge difference in just a few weeks.

  3. Hi Sean,
    support more than welcome
    so far so good.. but tough if you have to go out for dinner for work... :-(
