The final post! It's an important moment, it's time to look back and evaluate what has happened over the last three months.
It's been a journey, a tough one, a fun one, a challenging one.
It has been for sure a life changing experience and one I am happy and grateful (thks Patrick, thks wifey, aka Blondie!) I made.
My body has changed:


But what's more important my approach to food and health have dramatically changed and I am sure for the good and better.
As I said in the title of today's blog, this is but the beginning of a new life: hopefully a much healthier and fitter one.
Really hoping I will manage to have the mental strength to continue following the PCP philosophy.
What's interesting is that most of the stuff we learned was pretty obvious and kind of common knowledge, all the work we did, WE did... But Patrick found the way of making us do it, once again thank you very much!!
And must admit I am rather proud of the accomplishment: over the 90 days I didn't miss a single exercise and virtually never cheated: my motto has been "no pain no gain" throughout the whole 90 days!!!!
Ciao from the "new" Vittorio!