Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 41

Work, home (always a little too late) and training... no big deal, actually FUN.
That is if you really don't have ANYTHING else to do. Which is fine once in a while, or even rather often.. but EVERY DAY??!!!@@#$%%^

Oh yea forgot: went for a fast drink with a client and had a lovely glass of crystal clear water: delicious!!

Anyway, will try and skip tomorrow morning as I am flying off to Europe tomorrow evening and it might be a good idea to consider packing before leaving! Funnily enough I am far more concerned about forgetting any of my training gear than anything else!!

Good night

PS god i hate them cycling things!


  1. To me pistol squats are worse & the bicycle and the plank tie for 2nd! :)

  2. Sounds like you're in the zone man. Good stuff.
