Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 57

Difficult to worry about our PCP when such tragic events unfold.
Thinking of you all up there in Japan...

Great job Patrick, was impressed to see your mail this morning: as you said come whatever and PCP goes on.. life goes on...

Got up, did all the exercises and seriously thought of either a) crying b) fainting c) clenching my teeth at the third series of floor jumps.. opted for c)...

Here is the weekly picture...

Week 9


  1. Damn homie lookin SHARP. Living right!

    I can't tell you how many times during this earthquake mess being strong and lean has helped out me and my family. Running, carrying, surviving is all based on having a well functioning body. That's why you never stop!

  2. Yep I believe what Patrick said.....strong & lean will help in crisis --- physically & mentally.
