Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 66

Yesterday after the exercises we went for a long walk (down slope) with all the family and the  little dog.
It was great fun but felt a little drained at the end... old age and accumulation of PCP training!
In the evening managed to slot in an 8mins abs session: it was the first time and it is actually fun, not too painful...

And Patrick, regarding your mail about failure, don't worry!! as long as there are those bcycle things, planks, chest dips, pull-ups.. no problems!! I will fail!!

This morning did a Rocky one: got up at 5am and did all my stuff... felt great! Will try and repeat tomorrow...


  1. Yeah man an early morning routine will really lock in the habit. Good!

  2. wow 5am you are an animal mate! well done, i better try the early bird myself ....
