Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 37

Really enjoyed the training, unlike yesterday!
Still tripped a few times but all in all was a healthy struggle and was satisfied with the effort!
Did all exercises downstairs at playground and was missing push up handles so did them without. Once back in flat I did one rep with some help from Bolle:

Yesterday I had to cheat on the food: had my appel and egg for lunch and had a little chicken and vegetables for dinner and steered away from Carbs. Really hope I will not create havoc...
Had family around and we went out for dinner.. might have to repeat that next week when in London.

Not sure about  the pistol squat: Patrick i today's mail you say the heel has to stay on the floor. You mean the heel of the extended leg? because the heel of the bending leg is not touching the floor in the picture.
Repeated the reps at the end of the trainignas found them not so hard: mist be doing something wrong...

Have a great Sunday!

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