Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 51

Back home.. finally!!
Great to walk in the house and be greeted by a bunch of kids... much more interested in what I had brought for them than my actual self: such is life!
Get a meal less as 8 hours disappeared somewhere!
Had my lunch at 5 and my dinner in a few minutes, hope I manage to sleep.
Nice to workout outside without shivering. Struggled a lot with the chest dips: funny as they were one of my strong exercises. Also found the push ups hard work. Fatigue? Old age creeping up?

Here is latest picture:
Week 8


  1. Damn homie you're getting LEAN.

  2. yes and for my taste soon a bit too thin, shall I look for another hubby ????But I also have to admit that his chest gets now finally defined and he isn't so bulky anymore.
