Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 90: the END.... Or is it the beginning?

What a gorgeous day to do the last set of exercises!

The final post! It's an important moment, it's time to look back and evaluate what has happened over the last three months.
It's been a journey, a tough one, a fun one, a challenging one.
It has been for sure a life changing experience and one I am happy and grateful (thks Patrick, thks wifey, aka Blondie!) I made.
My body has changed:







But what's more important my approach to food and health have dramatically changed and I am sure for the good and better.
As I said in the title of today's blog, this is but the beginning of a new life: hopefully a much healthier and fitter one.
Really hoping I will manage to have the mental strength to continue following the PCP philosophy.
What's interesting is that most of the stuff we learned was pretty obvious and kind of common knowledge, all the work we did, WE did... But Patrick found the way of making us do it, once again thank you very much!!
And must admit I am rather proud of the accomplishment: over the 90 days I didn't miss a single exercise and virtually never cheated: my motto has been "no pain no gain" throughout the whole 90 days!!!!

Ciao from the "new" Vittorio!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 89

Supersets sorted
4 times 2:15 on the plank
Not sure I gave my max on the V sit-ups
What's in store for tomorrow?
Altho' I fear the wife discovered what happens reading some of the blogs: we will see!

It was 5:30 again today and a bit of a tough one: Wife and No 4 finally back from Germany and of course No 4 didn't care much about sleeping!!

What a ride it has been so far!

1 day and we have reached the Peak.. after that the descent...!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 88

Scary thought: in 2 days we will be out there without Patrick holding our hand...

Will I be able to wake up at 5:30 am to train?
Will I be able to do that horrible bicycle thing?
Will I be able to hold the plank for 2:10 mins (as I did 5 times today?)?
Will I be able to hold on to my fit and toned body?

The end of the tunnel is clearly in sight: c'mon boys and girls!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 86 & 87

Splendid weekend in Hong Kong blessed by gorgeous weather .
Saturday the boys abandoned me and took off swimming in TST and playing basketball in Wanchai!
And I was left with Bolle (yes, the dog) and my PCP exercises: tough ones indeed!
Invited for dinner at friend's and managed to remain PCP-compliant: funny to see the expressions of concerns of the rest of the group feeling sorry I couldn't drink/eat... Not knowing that I am the one feeling better because of it!
Sunday was time with the boys mostly spent round the pool.
This morning is back to 5:30 am Rocky routine and coupling floor jumps with creeps was not funny, not funny at all!
Good week to all.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 85

Thought/hoped the last stretch would be a breeze.. but not at all!
Feels like the last attack to the Everest, it's here in the dead zone that people fail...
But gotta clench teeth and push on: 5 days 'till dawn!

Have a great we!

Week 13 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 84

I HATE skipping, it's official!
Dunno what's happening, it was ok until a couple of days ago.. now it's just a struggle, a massive one!
Wondering if the 84 days in a row non -stop are taking  a toll.
Hoping for a little break after day 90.. or not?

Anyway, new exercises, new diet, new life tomorrow morning: what awaits us for the last 6 days of our PCP?

TGIF to all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 83

5:00 am got woken up by a random SMS.. so once you are awake so early in the morning, what do you do?
guess the answer is: go to the PCP cage and start working out!!
and that is what i did... but skipping which used to be a breeze is taking it's toll... new skipping rope (average) with weights is proving a struggle and the routine less fun!
the rest of the exercises were surprisingly fast and once again, not sure i like this failure target...mmm

good day to all!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 82

Today was a tough one.. funny how sometimes you it just doesn't work!
The skipping was difficult, kept on tripping.. struggled to finish...
Exercises somewhat better and conquering the 1'45" planks was an achievement.
Hoping for better days ahead.
So much food: in the morning it's a challenge to finish the heap of food on my plate, racing against time not to miss the bus!

good day to all...

BTW when is the PCP technically over? after the last snack of day 90? after the exercises of day 90? when do we pop that long awaited cork?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 81

And another skipping rope snapped!!
Gotta go find a good one, with weights.. any suggestions?
Exercises were fine today, no mega nasty ones... :)

9 days to go: c'mon boys and girls... almost there!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 80

5:30 alarm clock
stumbling about the flat looking for a banana, trying not to trip on the dog.
25 mins skipping and then the exercises: it's official, the cycling things are the WORST of all.
the training is intense and feel worn out.. 9 more sessions to go.
(but strangely enough looking forward to my training tomorrow)
and the food is sooo much! missed my bus because of the huge size of my breakfast.
important not to become complacent: so much effort so far, the goal is in reach.
great week to all...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 79

What a weekend: I think humans are designed to function above 22 degrees and in the sunshine!!!
Sailing, spending the day in the sun, hockey with the boys... it's so invigorating!!
Slept on the boat, had breakfast (fried for the boys PCP for me!) and now preparing for tennis and sailing!!
Did my exercises in the sun: felt great!

Here are a few snaps from the weekend...

Tommaso playing hockey

Ciccio and Giorgio discussing strategies!

Sunset on the sea

We are sailing.. across the oceans....     

Good morning Hong Kong 
Athos, Porthos and Aramis, missing D'Artagnan

Day 78 bis

Had my indulgence, and what an indulgence: the best!
BBQ at Middle Island with my boys and dear friends, and yes... Missing wife and Mika!
What a feast!! Sausages, spare ribs, tandoori chicken, garlic bread... Hagen daas Belgian chocolate all accompanied by a decent amount of rose'. Thought I would be sick but so far so good: thoroughly enjoyed it!! Better than a 3 star Michelin, definitely, by far!
Now lying in bed on Brizo, moored at Middle Island!
But gotta sweat it out: looking forward to the training tomorrow!
Hong KOng is amazing: skyscrapers and sailing over the weekend!
Today the weather was perfect, it was a perfect day: wife, when are u coming back home!!
Time to sleep (and digest!)

Good night to all!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 78

Again weekend, again fun exercising... except for those nasty floor jumps!

then off to hockey with thte boys and this afternoon.. SAILING!!!
Think my indulgence is going to be a massive BBQ+rose'+ice cream this evening, will report tomorrow!

The weather here is AWESOME, HK at its best... only two things missing, the wife and no 4!!

Was worried about the exercises given the earlier warnings but all in all they are in line with last week's.

have a great weekend

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 77

5:30 wake up, 30 mins skipping.. time to take No 1 and No 2 to bus, with the help of No 3 (dressed in a funny way.. April's fool!!) and the little puppy!
And it is a GORGEOUS day here in Hong Kong: fingers crossed it holds for the week end: kid's hokey and maybe sailing, and of course INDULGENCE!!
Pity the wife is away.. :(

great weekend to all!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 76

This morning I woke up at 5:25.. 5 mins before the alarm! Patrick, what have you done to me!
At least all done and dusted..
This morning I skipped and exercised with music and all was much easier.

It's 2 weeks to the end.. or is it to the beginning of a new life style!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 75

5:30 am again
not too hard, actually: enough to go to bed early!
but don't have much time for the kiddies in the morning...  a 26/27 hour day would be perfect!
Having been abandoned my the wife wil try to get home early tonight to spend a little time with the little monsters!

great day to all...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 74

The days are ticking away and the goal is in sight: light a the end of the tunnel, but...
I am going to miss all of this, my daily blogging, my daily fat-less food, all my veggies, my yogurt, my exercises, my skipping, my skipping, my skipping, my skipping....

I know the answer is that I can continue doing it as I am doing now , but... when you know it is for 90 days you clench your teeth and fists and DO IT, but when you know it is for the rest of your life it is a far more complicated proposition...

Anyway, up at 5:40, skipping and exercises under my belt and got my endorphins fix!
Great day to you all!!

Day 73

After the weekend it is tough to start the week.. over the weekend it is easy and pleasant to train, during the week finding the time is always a struggle...
Best thing is training in the morning and then it's over, so.. set the alarm or 5:45 but... no 2 was sick during the night and so the alarm beep beep was not all that convincing...
Dashed home from work, did the sets and then drove mrs better half to the airport with no 4.
Got home late and gulped down the evening snack (goo, mm..., filling) and now are in bed with the alarm set for 5:30am: we will see...

Good night
ps really hate the failure thing... never really know if I am failing or if I could have done an extra one!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 72

It should be weekend everyday of the week!!
Love waking up, skipping, exercises, shower, nice relaxed breakfast (but for a faint background incessant noise produced by 4 boys and a dog) with the papers...
Not sure I am a fan of the failure target: difficult to assess if you are really failing.. guess you never do as there also an extra one you can do.. so as many as you do you are not content because you kind of think "maybe I should have done an extra 2 or 5.."
Anyway, by 8:50 all exercises done and dusted: suffered less on the plank but had issues with chest dips..

All have a great Sunday

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 71

New diets, new exercises... nothing to blow me away
Bring it on
Skipping getting a tad tedious... 22mins is a lot of time staring at the wall!!
Here is week 11 picture:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 70

another round number
20 days to go.. still long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go!
skipped and skipped and skipped... 20 mins + 300 + cold have done more but the day is not long enough!
waking up crack of dawn tomorrow to see what's next...

merry week end to all

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 69

This morning was an almost Rocky one: 5:45 instead of 5:00.. Huge difference! But also meant missing taking the boys to the bus which I thoroughly enjoy. But had no choice as I have a white collar boxing event to attend.. With special menu request of course!!!
Skipped flat 15 mins (few minutes less than my recent target)!but didn't have much time... Surprised that whole routine took 45 mins... A bit rushed but all exercises completed!
Tomorrow skipping and then? Worth waking up early on Saturday to find out!!

Ciao to all

Day 68

After yesterdays lack of energy and considering I really struggled through my skipping and my exercises I was terrified of my training session today: what if I failed again? what if I could no longer skip and exercise as before? But Forrest is back: skip Forrest, skip!! Did my 20 mins with double skip every minute and could have done a little more... Exercises were tough but not impossible.. failed on the last chest dips set and of course had to clench my teeth to finish the plank sets but not feeling nearly as wiped out as yesterday.. almost considering to add 8 mins abs.. nan, just kidding! good night (tough one tomorrow: got a dinner so might have to wake up super early for exercises..)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 67

Tough, tough , tough!
This time pushed it all a little too much! not 20 years old any more!!
Had a dinner last night and although I had tuna and a lot of veggies, fear the starter (roast veggies) was drenched with oil...
Felt horrible all night: nauseated! Patrick what have you done to us!!
What a good lesson... restaurants suck, for sure!
And this morning instead of sleeping and recovering I was feeling so disgusted that I got up at 5am and did my exercises... what a struggle.. had to stop several times during my skipping and had a rough session... and now I am feeling wiped out.
Getting old.. will take it easy for a couple of days..

ciao to all

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 66

Yesterday after the exercises we went for a long walk (down slope) with all the family and the  little dog.
It was great fun but felt a little drained at the end... old age and accumulation of PCP training!
In the evening managed to slot in an 8mins abs session: it was the first time and it is actually fun, not too painful...

And Patrick, regarding your mail about failure, don't worry!! as long as there are those bcycle things, planks, chest dips, pull-ups.. no problems!! I will fail!!

This morning did a Rocky one: got up at 5am and did all my stuff... felt great! Will try and repeat tomorrow...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 65

OMG.. those exercise sheets!!!
They look nasty on Saturday morning when we receive them but this time they look even worse in the playground where i do most of my exercises...
The chest dips were tough and failed on set 5.. not sure if it was muscle failure or fear of heights (yes monkey bars again!!).
And the plank was excruciatingly painful... started trembling at the end of set 3 and for second half of set 4.
But it is done and it is Sunday morning and now I have time for the kiddies.... although my arms/shoulders are a little numb!
Have a great Sunday!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 64

And it's Saturday and on Saturday, like a kid on his birthday or on Xmas day I wake up super early to see what Patrick has in store for us...
And the food is OK but the exercise sheet.. OMG!!
Thank God it's a weekend and that allows me to settle into the new training regime slowly..
Had to take Tommaso (no 1) to a cross country race at 8:00 am (yes, on a Saturday). Got back and did all the exercises. It's going to be a lazy weekend. Weather is yuck and no 3 has a bit of fever...
Here is our weekly picture, Mr and Mrs De Angelis...


No kidding.. here is the picture:

and here is Tommaso racing (2nd from the left)... go Tommy go !!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 63

As I said last night.. I did wake up at 5:50 and I did my 20 mins skipping (+100 to account for the few trips..).
Feels good now, it's over for today... might even be tempted to try (have not so far) the 8 mins abs thing this evening..

TGIF and merry we to all

Day 62

Skip Forrest Skip!!
Done my 18 mins followed by exercises.. smooth. Almost too much.. must of either not counted correctly or didn't do exercises all that well.. or maybe just getting stronger!!

good night
tomorrow only skipping!!
will aim for early morning 20mins.. we will see if the sheets let me out of bed!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 61

Run Forrest Run!!
That is how I am starting to feel when I skip the rope.
It is not a great effort and I can go on for a while.
The exercises today were rather painful: the biceps were really tired and must say  I didn't enjoy the  bicycle!.. oh yes and forgot: hated the 5th set of plank!! but then again such is life: we are not meant to enjoy the training!!!

buona notte

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 60

Going going... almost gone!
I am going to miss it when it is no longer there... the PCP I mean!
Shit day at the office and what better than 16 mins of skipping + 300 extra jumps?
And then all the rest of the exercises.
Skipping is a tad tedious: hoping to have the will power to continue skipping in the after PCP life: wondering how much skipping is necessary to preserve the goals achieved over these 90 days?

Great evening to all and thinking of all of you in Japan...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 59

Yet another round number ahead... slowly but surely!
Got home in no mood to train but the exercises got off with a good skip and some good series.
Failed after three set of pull-ups and the triceps were hard... but all good and fast (50 mins).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 58

Great day yesterday!!
Beautiful weather here in HK.
Nico to get the exercises out of the way early morning.. leisurely breakfast.. walk on the promenade with 75% of the kids (no 1 had Bday party)... Bolle took his first swim (that is our little puppy).

Afternoon on the water with again 75% of the kids (no 2 had "previous engagements").
Mika (no 4) really enjoyed the sail and helped me helm.. :)

Finally we decided to indulge and after nibbling at our kids BBQ we settled for a French secluded and romantic restaurant in Stanley (bull market here in HK, everything else was booked).
I had roasted pork belly salad, a rib eye steak, shared a warm chocolate pudding and a glass of red.

It was pleasant, had been craving chocolate so really dug into the pudding but...

"Patrick, what have you done to us??!!!%£^£$%&£%&^*£%&%£"

It was not nearly as much fun as expected!
Actually almost regretted all that food.
With hindsight starter and pudding would have been more than enough.
And I was really contended with one glass of wine...

Woke up bright and early and executed all the training (it's more than one hour!!)
The weather is sublime: warm, not hot, fresh, not humid.. just perfect!!
Had some help with the chest dips...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 57

Difficult to worry about our PCP when such tragic events unfold.
Thinking of you all up there in Japan...

Great job Patrick, was impressed to see your mail this morning: as you said come whatever and PCP goes on.. life goes on...

Got up, did all the exercises and seriously thought of either a) crying b) fainting c) clenching my teeth at the third series of floor jumps.. opted for c)...

Here is the weekly picture...

Week 9

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 55

Who said that home and work is the healthy way of life?
look at what looms in the office:

but I am strong...
but I am strong...
but I am strong...
but I am strong...
but I am strong...

Day 56


Managed to creep out of bed and did my 16 mins of skipping +100 jumps (as I tripped a fair amount)..
No Damocles sword for the rest of the day: GREAT!!
A bit anxious about the next mail from Patrick... is it going to be only half an apple in the evening? or 2 apples? not sure what would be worse..!! :)

TGIF and great we to all

Day 55

Good skipping session: only one trip 25 seconds before the end...
Exercises were ok and the pull-ups were decent. Not full full extension but manged all 50.
Here is the coffee machine I was talking about yesterday: can't wait for my breakfast tomorrow!!
This morning instead of the tomatoes I had some aubergine and onion puree on one of my pieces of  with the egg, on the other piece my beloved avocado...
Lunch was awesome: chicken, rice and veggies with a yummy sauce.
All in all eating extremely well and enjoying fresh cooked meals: but still crave the naughty stuff!!

Good night!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 54

Not much to report!
Calves hurting a little, not sure I enjoy the skipping all that much.. it's a little long and tedious: wonder how much longer next week...
The chest dips were tough, tough to exhaustion: as I was doing the dips on the monkey bars was actually worried about failing and falling down!!!
The rest was ok. The whole routine is close to one hour. Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow morning! Bought a little coffee machine (the traditional type from Naples) for the morning: you put water on the bottom, when it starts boiling the water goes up through the coffee and it comes out on top.. mmm!!!

Time for bed: buona notte!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 53

Dashed out of the office early to attend Giorgio's (no 3) 5th birthday party.
A bunch of over hyper kids: mayhem!! But nice to see Giorgio being the center of attention: he was so excited and proud... and it means a lot to see Dad turn up!
That also meant getting home a little earlier than usual and down to the "PCP cage" for the skipping and playground for the training.

It's official, the WORST and TOUGHEST exercise EVER is the cycling thing... agony!
In comparison even the jumps are barely bearable... (or not?) and the pull-ups are a piece of cake (mmm..)
So the worst nightmare would be floor jumps, followed by pull-ups and then the cycling thing...
The skipping was a little intense and had a hint of cramps in the left calf, just a glitch? we will see tomorrow...
I realised I am going to bed looking forward to breakfast! Such a great meal....

Good night!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 52

Another latish work out
Don't mind it at all: get home put the kiddies to bed and hit the deserted playground...
The only problem is if I have a dinner or after-work arrangement... then it slips very late and it is a Damocles sword hanging over my head for the whole day.
Pull-ups as usual were tough and also struggled a little with the skipping: bought some training earphones and skipped with music and the timer running... not sure I like it, difficult not knowing exactly how much tie left.
On the food fron no major complaints: can't wait for breakfast and lunch... less so for dinner!

Good night to all

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 51

Back home.. finally!!
Great to walk in the house and be greeted by a bunch of kids... much more interested in what I had brought for them than my actual self: such is life!
Get a meal less as 8 hours disappeared somewhere!
Had my lunch at 5 and my dinner in a few minutes, hope I manage to sleep.
Nice to workout outside without shivering. Struggled a lot with the chest dips: funny as they were one of my strong exercises. Also found the push ups hard work. Fatigue? Old age creeping up?

Here is latest picture:
Week 8

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 49

Traveling tomorrow, back home by Sunday: hurray!
Giorgio (number 3) is going to be 5 tomorrow! Time flies, feels like yesterday when we rushed to the hospital after too much food and too much wine! And scary amount of fog... And Giorio popped out not too long after...

Got a peep at Saturday's training which i did today and will only skip tomorrow morning: the floor jumps are a real challenge... Tough, tough, tough!

Ciao to all

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 48

Now in Italy and it's freezing!!
-2 C and really couldn't face skipping out in the cold: opted for my parents living room, moved chairs and carpet and set the timer for 16 minutes.. and managed to do skip for the whole time non stop, no trips.. total of around 2200 skips.. wow!!!

all looking good
longing to be back to HK to see my family

ciao to all

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 47

Today it was a tripping session.. not a skipping one!
So did extra 200 just to be on the safe side... it's ramping up, we are around 2,200 skips.
Good to get the exercises early in the morning but the downside is that it's not fun to wake up...

Yesterday was a tough one foodwise: had fish for lunch and for dinner... no apple and egg white!
But had to see clients lunch and dinner... will have to make up for it somehow.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 46

Thought it would feel good to pass the halfway mark but another 44 days is still a little daunting!
I am sure when I was produced smewhere on the package there must have been written: do not sore below 20 C... Here in London it is cold and damp: yuck!
Makes it harder to wake up at 6:00 and start exercising..

Exercises are really getting tougher: that extra set is a killer! the 14 mins skip is a long one but feel great after. Going to be tough to maintain that discipline after the PCP..

Great day to all!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 45

And we are half way there!
No wi-fi for 2 days: feeling lost and was not able to blog...

Wow the new training is tough: I set the timer for 15mins, wait one minute and start skipping. I average 137 skips a minute so we are talking 1918 skips minus say 20/30 to account for the odd trip here and there... that's 1880 skips.. non stop!!!!!!!

Got into London saturday morning and so far managed to be 100% PCP compliant.. but the work week is starting and we will se if it is sustainable!

ciao to all

Week 7 picture

The new PCP training grounds!!

.. and, yes Patrick, there are ways of doing pull-ups everywhere!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 42

Early morning skipping: feel a 1,000,000 dollars...
Preparing mentally for the business trip challenge: London will be cold, dangerous and full of wolves... yuck!
First priority will be finding something to do my pull-ups on!

Ciao to all...

sometimes it's not all that fun PCPing.. check out what colleagues are eating under my nose!
as much as I know it's bad for them and should feel bad for them, I am a little envious...

Day 41

Work, home (always a little too late) and training... no big deal, actually FUN.
That is if you really don't have ANYTHING else to do. Which is fine once in a while, or even rather often.. but EVERY DAY??!!!@@#$%%^

Oh yea forgot: went for a fast drink with a client and had a lovely glass of crystal clear water: delicious!!

Anyway, will try and skip tomorrow morning as I am flying off to Europe tomorrow evening and it might be a good idea to consider packing before leaving! Funnily enough I am far more concerned about forgetting any of my training gear than anything else!!

Good night

PS god i hate them cycling things!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 40

4/9ths of the way there.. almost scary
Enjoying this trip so much that I am concerned about the arrival. I know, it's still 50 days away but at some point it is important to think of life after PCP...

Training was super late again: started at 21:00. The sessions are slowly but surely getting longer: 45mins tonight!
Happy about the skips: 1,450 with no interruption, not even a trip.. and added an extra 50 to account for possible counting errors.The floor jumps hurt but was surprised by how hard everything was: the push-ups were a struggle, the standing ovation painful...getting old?

Buona notte

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 39

Very late training: got back from my usual Tuesday evening sailing seminar and got my exercises done.
Skipping on concrete might not be good for joints but easier than the soft playground.. did my 1,400 jumps with three or four trips in total.
The hunger is under control and i am realising that often food is a cure for boredom. Any suggestions on what to do instead? unfortunately cannot smoke cigars at work.. :-)
Timed my exercises and it is a total of 40ish minutes.
Would be great to find the strength to do them in the morning: I try but the sheets always pull me back!

going to bed: buona notte

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 38

Slowly but surely the days are ticking away.
Thoroughly enjoying the trip but.. the suffering and deprivation are acceptable because I know they are going to end and because I see the results.
One big concern though is what happens after. It would be a pity to revert to pre PCP form but cannot envisage skipping 1,400 skips a day and apples for dinner for the rest of my life...

Hopefully there will be a miraculous solution to remain young and beautiful!

Good night

PS hate those bicycle things...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 37

Really enjoyed the training, unlike yesterday!
Still tripped a few times but all in all was a healthy struggle and was satisfied with the effort!
Did all exercises downstairs at playground and was missing push up handles so did them without. Once back in flat I did one rep with some help from Bolle:

Yesterday I had to cheat on the food: had my appel and egg for lunch and had a little chicken and vegetables for dinner and steered away from Carbs. Really hope I will not create havoc...
Had family around and we went out for dinner.. might have to repeat that next week when in London.

Not sure about  the pistol squat: Patrick i today's mail you say the heel has to stay on the floor. You mean the heel of the extended leg? because the heel of the bending leg is not touching the floor in the picture.
Repeated the reps at the end of the trainignas found them not so hard: mist be doing something wrong...

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 36

Tough , tough, tough!
not much sleep: coughing wife doesn't help!
and struggled with the exercises: tripped so many times during my jumps and generally didn't enjoy the exercises!
the weather doesn't help

and 1 apple, you gotta be kidding!!
not far off the 3 strawberries and 1 grape I was talking about!

Bring it on: ready for you!

Merry weekend to all

Ps weekly picture and wifey training:


90 days PCP or 90 days sailing solo around the world: which one is tougher?

Day 35

Last night the exercises were not to hard and actually welcome after a day at work.
The floor jumps OMG: the pain was excruciating, having visions painful!

Been constantly hungry over the last 2 days and today at lunch was tough: they ordered pizza,lebanese adn dim sums in the office. It was a sight difficult to handle: a food orgy while I was sticking to my pasta toamto and shrimps (which was yes good but not as satisfying as the other food looked).

Was watching a movie last night with a couple of  overweight chaps in it, felt sorry for them and thought about sending them the web link to the PCP site.. :-)

Finally got round to timing my skipping: funny how people are impressed to hear you are going to jump 1,400 times but hardly surprised if you tell them you are going to skip for 10 minutes 35 seconds!

Calves are a little sore and dreading tomorrow's mail: wondering what Patrick is going to take away! We might be having 3 strawberries and 1 grape for dinner...

Good night and buon weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 33

Did all my exercise last night after work: it's a routine now and don't mind it at all! As long as there are no pull-ups!
Amazing how absorbing this PCP is: it influences a big chunk of my life and it is constantly on my mind.
Today I am wearing a shirt that my darling wife bought me a while ago: it's a nice shirt but she had got a size too small. Amazing how women can preview the future: she mist have known I would shrink at some stage in order to enjoy it!

Have a great day

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 32

PCPers life is not always an easy one!
Got back late and the weather is awful: strong cold wind and howling wolfs out there!
Still did all my PCP exercises, the skipping and leg stuff downstairs in the parking lot and the rest at home.
Floor jumps are tough, skipping is ok, pull-ups of course a nightmare!
But doing them at home is a little easier to cheat: the first 9 were perfect, the rest I didn't stretch arms 100%, yes I plead guilty.

Starting to understand what Patrick said about putting to shame my kickboxing: it's not the intensity (kickboxing with a personal trainer was really rough sometimes) but it is the continuity that gets to you... hope to make it to the end, was faltering a little today.... and that horrible plank, by the third repetition I was dearly hating it!

On a positive note dinner was yummy: I microwave the fruit for 3 mins and then mix it with the egg white cooked with half the milk: it's amazingly sweet and tastes like a dessert. And it's filling...

Good night

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 31

Ouch Aaarghh!! those cruel floor jumps...
Guess I got them right: the pain was extreme!
Got the 1,300 jumps done in a row without a single interruption, not even a trip!! :-)

Last night I had a piece (very small one indeed) of caramel slice.
It was GORGEOUS: felt a little heavy after it but thoroughly enjoyed it...

Buona notte

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 30

One third gone... 2 months to go: guess we will be dining on water and lunching on condensed air by the end!
Exercises done, feel good and didn't suffer too much today.

Thought I would wake up starving and wanting to bite the wife but feeling less hungry than most mornings: weird!

Great Sunday to all

PS just put on a long sleeve polo, funny how last time i wore it I had a belly sticking out!

29 bis

Two pictures that say a lot about the life of PCPers:
It's the darling wife at a restaurant counting rigorously our protein/carb/veggie intake...

 and please note that it is the grilled sole that makes its way to the plate, not the yummy saucy meat :-(

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 29

Checked my mail on the iphone while still in bed: shell shocked.. could not get out of bed! Is it the first of April? Patrick playing with our minds?
One apple and one banana: you gotta be kidding! really!

If this is the path to redemption I started with the first step this morning early: 8:15 and all exercises under my belt. Feels good!
Struggled with sit-ups. Rather surprising as i was ok until now.
2 perfect sets of 8 pull ups, then 6 good ones 2 yucky, then 5 and 1 yucky.. getting there. Although each time i get closer the post moves further.

No room for cheating: even with a personal trainer you can cheat a little but when it's agaist yourself, no cheating allowed!

off for a gentle walk/hike with the boys...

Here is the weekly picture:

Still work to be done!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 28

Day off from work so, after dropping boys at bus, did the 1,300: done and dusted!!
Really nice to exercise in the mornign.

Scale inching lower
Old clothes starting to fit
A lot of positive comments
A few potential PCP adepts out there as colleagues see the transformation

One concern: both my wife and I aren having problems sleeping.
I wake up often and roll in the bed without managing to fall asleep: is this PCP effect?
Could it be that our metabolism is ticking away faster and thus we are uanble to rest?

Anybody else faces a similar sleep-related issues?

Buona giornata

Day 27

Met up with James at the playground for our training.
Training went well, nice to train with somebody else, easier to count the reps!!

If we had a soundtrack it should have been for sure the one below!!

Parents, when James and Vitto are training at the playground take the kids away!!
Who let the dogs out? Hu! Hu!

On a serious note feeling hungry throughout the day and not sleeping to well... but still enjoying it!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 26 bis

Feel the pace of workout pick up.
Today skipping and creeping were ok but the pull-ups I do not enjoy: 2 good sets of 8 and 2 rather shabby ones...
Found the shoulder press rather intense.

Loving home made food: really!
Today managed to fit into trousers I had not worn for years: fortunately I am stingy and don't throw away much!

Buona notte

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 26

Just had my yummy lunch: I am loving home made food instead of the usual unhealthy take out!
Buy whole exercise programme still looming ahead.
Here is a picture of my skipping queen: that was at 7:00 am, wife, you are AMAZING!

Day 25

Nothing much to report.
Usual training in the evening: becoming a routine I don't mind. Those V-things are a bit nasty!
Wondering if i should also do some cardio exercises to complement the PCP...
Would love to have the will power (and the time) to get exercise done in the morning!

Buona notte!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 24

Despite the motivating Rocky video I just could not face getting out of bed at 5:40 am.
So, as usual, it was exercise after work.
The skipping feels like a routine and it feels good.
The pull-ups are the biggest hurdle.
Enjoy the burning knowing it is good for me.

Buona notte!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rocky 2 - Training

This should help with early morning motivation!!

Day 23

What started like a gentle stroll up a hill is starting to look like a intense hike, almost intense.
Feels as if it will end looking like a rock climb... OUCH!

But at least it's Sunday and all exercises are done and dusted!


Day 22 bis

It's evening, we are sitting in front of the TV and the boys are having Pizza Takeaway.... I had to open the box and serve the slices: Torture!!
The smell of the Pizza and of the accompanying garlic bread got me drooling, sigh!
The more profound question is if I will be able to enjoy Pizza i front of a movie once the PCP is over, or will that mean back on the road to perdition?

Our dinner was really not exciting: difficult to see the carbs disappear.
Feeling a little miserable and a bit hungry: contemplating the possibility of biting my kids, it's proteins after all!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 22

Morning shocker: could not believe the email.. no respite on the jumping rope!
And what happened to the evening carbs? surely  typo :-(

Early start: at 8:00 83.333% of the family was on the tennis court (Mika, number 4, stayed at home).
We took it in turns to play with the kids so that me and the wife managed to get the skips sorted: my calves are in AGONY!
Got home and finished off the programme: HATE the pull-ups. Only managed 7-7-5-5(ish)
But now it's over: bright day ahead!

And of course here is the weekly picture:

Week 4


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 21

Took the morning off: it is New Year after all! but will have to pop into office later on today..
Mornings are great when not working: did my 1,000 skips (possibly 1,100 as i might have counted wrong!!) then shower, playground for a little while and then breakfast with the wife. Nice to have the whole day ahead and no damocles sword of exercises to have to be done!!

Dinner last night was all in all good: no alcohol, maybe a little too much food (and a little too much condiment) but was righteous!
Had one spoonful, literally, of dessert.. god it tasted good, more of that in 70 days!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 19

Starting almost to feel like a routine: back from work, skip, exercise, dinner...
If only I could do it in the morning!! but it is the only time i see the little ones...
First dinner out this evening at frinds place: we'll see how hard it is going to be, best intentions though!

Struggling on the pull-ups, but almost there!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 18

Getting rather hungry and it is a struggle to resist until snack/meal time
My boys were eating salami and toast under my nose: not easy, AT ALL
Feeling alittle tired but wondering if it is due to the heavy w.e or it's PCP

But really enjoying PCP and finding Patrick's mails very inforamtive!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17

Still tired from Saturday sleepless night.
Last night went to bed at 8 and slept through till 6... but today was still feeling tired. Not the youngest anymore!
Exercise went well, struggled on the pull-ups...
The explanation of the burning during exercises really helps me get through the last ones when in pain!

Buona notte

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 16

The sail was tough, really!
The race lasted 23 hours and we had a lot of wind and plenty of cold.
Managed to get a nice very intense 30 mins sleep!!

Food was not easy, really required a titanium and carbon fibre will strength, especially when the brownies box came out at 4am in 25/30 knots gusts!
The lads had a good laugh at me while gulping down mars bars, twix, brownies, home made cakes, while i was rabbit like munching my carrots and nibbling my pineapple... Such is PCP life!
For dinner though we made pasta with a no-no sauce (amatriciana, with tomatoes and bacon) and had a no-scale decent helping. For the rest of the race stuck to my guns and think i did ok foodwise.
As soon as i got home skips and exercises, and the rest of the day was spent in a zombie-like state playing with the kiddies.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 15

Woke up early.. too early!!
Sleepless and cold night ahead out at sea... and sleepless night before: the new arrival (little puppy, Bolle) kept us "entertained" all night!!
Got up, skipped and exercised...
Feeling a 1,000,000 dollars!!

Right direction but hardly there!!

Now it's time to pack up and head to Brizo (the boat...)

Day 14

800 jumps done and dusted!
not so hard actually.. except for the pain in the calves after the ordeal...
anxious to know what exercises+food await us tomorrow
need to know asap before i take off for my sailing...

buona notte

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13

Yes the title means i am referring to yesterday!
But hardly manage to blog in th evening: that is what work is for!! :-)
Last night the skipping was PAINFUL, my calves were in agony.. stringe as I thought i was rather good at it.
800 skips this evening: bring it on, i am ready for you!

Food is great, feels so much healtheir...
Social life on the other side, is coming to clear halt...
Hopefully when it will resume i will eat less and drink less and feel much better for it!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 13

Tried to skip this morning and miserably failed.
The skipping is too loud, even on the terrace so would have to go downstairs but by the time i figured that out it was time to take the boys to the bus.... so a little annoyed at the prospect of doing all tonight a bit too late: such is PCP life!

On a positve note lunch was awesome!!

And the picture was taken after i gulped down half of it!!!